Sports Betting Resources: Be a better BETTOR
Dave Carney 3/25/2021
What’s on the table today?: Sports Betting Resources
Oftentimes I get asked, “Dave, where do you find your information on sports betting?” My answers always vary depending on who I’m talking to, what their general interest is in sports, and betting, and from there deliver my advice.
Today, I’d like to lay out, with links, a really good resource list that will help even the most novel sports gambler get better information, better insight, and more educated on sports betting and how it works.
This is by no means a FULL or COMPLETE list of sports betting resources, but it’s a great start. Hopefully some (or all) of these sites can be of value and help you make even better sports betting decisions.
- From Las Vegas, started in part by legendary broadcaster Brent Musburger is one of my go to stops each and every day (VSIN.com). This site provides a ton of info, up to the minute Vegas line movement and more as a premium subscriber. You should definitely place this site on your browser’s favorite list.
- Another great source (Winners And Whiners) delivers betting advice and pick predictions from a lot of sharps across the country. Keep this site handy.
- My favorite site for sports betting analytics and trends is (Covers.com) which is an essential resource for most ALL of the sports betting sites you’ll come across. This is a bit more in-depth and “nerdy” if you will, but a fantastic website when you’re a bit more of an experienced sports bettor.
- One more essential site to keep handy is (Scores and Odds) which has detailed information on most every game that you can find an active line on. Scores and Odds also goes DEEP into past team performances, analytical trends and indications in certain cases on how you should make a play.
**For more info on TOTAL plays, OVER/UNDER, and PLUS/MINUS plays, TEASER cards and more, check back through some previous columns for detailed information**
REMEMBER – don’t bet based upon my recommendations. Do your research. Stay in your lane