Wish Pierce called “home”
‘The Truth’ lies
I’m so sick of Paul Pierce and his “playoff resurgence.”
I put quotes around that, because, if I say that out loud, I’m doing the air quotes thing. You know, because it’s not a resurgence to me. I mean, a “resurgence” (doing the air quotes there again).
Anyway, Pierce banks in a winning 3-pointer two games ago and says the douchiest thing a dude can say, playing basketball (and then does the douchey tough-guy pose above. When in society is that pose appropriate? I couldn’t think of a single example).
Did you call bank on that terrible 21-footer from just above the elbow, Paul?
“I called game,” he said. Ulgh. He didn’t, but fine. That’s the best you could think of in the 24-hours after you watched Derrick Rose bank in a terrible 3-pointer for a Bulls win.
And, everyone hates that guy that calls game in pick-up, then misses the shot. You didn’t call game Pierce. Even if you did, you banked it. Garbage.
Pierce should have just retired right there. Called, “home,” and went there.
Next game, he misses a wide open 3-pointer in the waning seconds to tie and, I’m guessing he didn’t call game on that one. Game for Atlanta.
And that’s where we’re headed with the Atlanta-Washington series tied 2-2 with Game 5 tonight.
It’s rumored John Wall is coming back and it’s amazing the Wizards have been able to keep the ship afloat without him. I wouldn’t put that on Pierce, though (You know, because obviously I am sick of him and now I’m going to try and justify my statement while you all disagree).
It’s not Captain “Called Game” that’s kept them in the series. Sure, he’s shooting well – 50 percent this series and 53 percent from the field in the playoffs (Can we really count stats against Toronto?), and an amazing 55 percent from beyond the arc – but Pierce doesn’t make his teammates better.
He has three assists in the four games against Atlanta. Three times he’s passed the ball to someone and they’ved scored. One of those times was to set up his game-losing shot, when all of Atlanta decided to leave Nene wide open under the basket. So, really, he has two assists in four games.
Pierce is averaging one assist in the playoffs. One assist. Good job. Go team.
Against Atlanta, his plus/minus in the four games goes -4 (Washington 104, Atlanta 98), -12 (Atl. 106, Was. 90), -6 (Was. 103, Atl. 101) and 0 (Atl. 106, Was. 101).
It’s a sad state of affairs when Pierce is lighting up the playoffs, getting all the praise and the Wizards, without their best player, are two wins away from the conference finals.
It just shows how far Atlanta has fallen – not to mention the NBA – when it showed so much promise early in the regular season. Can losing Thabo Sefolosha really be that costly? Confused? Sefolosha is that player that broke his leg in a scuffle with police that nobody talks about anymore, for … I’m not sure why nobody talks about that anymore. But the Hawks were 38-7 with Sefolosha. Without him, they’re 24-17.
There’s still hope, but it seems to be lingering injuries that are hampering the Hawks and these playoffs. We’re down to rooting for teams playing guys like Matt Dellavedova, Jason Terry, Mike Dunleavy, Spencer Hawes, Beno Udrih and … Paul, ‘the Truth,’ who “Called game,” but really didn’t, so, ‘the Truth, lied, Pierce.