Dez Bryant video – feels like a hoax
First video of Dez Bryant making a catch and it not being a catch. Now video of Dez doing “dastardly” things, but there is no video. Or there is. Or it wasn’t a catch. I’ve gone cross-eyed.
There’s a website out there that’s claiming there is a video of Dez Bryant doing horrible things going to be released soon.
They claim to have heard from “someone who has seen it” that the video is “five times worse than the Ray Rice video.”
FoxSports said the COO of the Cowboys denies there is a video. There, it mentions Mike Florio of NBC Sports talking about a “dastardly” video, but he doesn’t ever mention it on his Twitter account. He did talk about it once a few days ago here, saying, “all of the major insiders” have known about this video for months.
But ESPN isn’t reporting about the video, either. That has to mean something. ESPN reports about everything. I mean, they still talk about Tim Tebow and try and make Johnny Manziel relevant – or is it the other way around? But they won’t report on a website breaking the worst video – “five times worse” mind you – in sports history?
The initial feeling I think everyone gets is, “Oh, I can’t wait to see the video.” But, do you really want there to be a video?
Even Decan Jones doesn’t want it to be real.
This feels like a cheap way to get your website into the know.
Maybe our website should claim there is a video. Maybe find that “someone” to claim it is SIX … no, no SEVEN times worse than the something even worse than the Ray Rice video – like the Willy Wonka movie re-make.
Maybe claim it’s Aaron Rodgers. Wait, nobody will believe it. How about Marshawn Lynch. Everyone would believe that. He has a grill in his teeth.
Maybe once this whole Dez Bryant, “five times worse” thing blows over, we’ll put out the word, not that we have a video, but just that there is one. One of Marshawn Lynch doing terrible things. We’ll mention Willy Wonka, giving it that hint there could be children involved. Maybe candy. And a grill.
And we’ll put it out there nice and early. But not too early. Then tell everyone it’s going to be released, “today or tomorrow,” because, you know, nobody can depend on upload speed and video software now days is easily hacked.
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