Central’s King donates award to Adapted Sports League
King given $1,000 for donation as part of player of year honor.
Two weeks ago La Crosse Central High School senior Kobe King was named the Gatorade Player of The Year in Wisconsin.
As the winner, King was given the opportunity to give $1,000 to a local organization.
King awarded that money to the Adapted Sports League at Central.
King hopes this is just the beginning of his ability to give back.
“It’s exciting,” King said. “Even if you see athletes at the professional level. My favorite ones are the ones that give back. Athletes like LeBron (James).
“If I ever have a chance to make it at the highest level, that’s something I’m going to do for sure.”
The adaptive sports league gives students with physical disabilities a chance to participate in athletics. The money will be used to buy jerseys and safety equipment.
“It’ll certainly be a big boost for us,” coach Matt Meyers said.
Along with winning the award, King also wrote an essay which will be judged against other winners to determine who gets a $10,000 grant.
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