Patriots’ Belichick named as possible witness in Hernandez murder trial
Jury Selection underway with opening statements March 1
BOSTON — New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick has been added to a list of people who could be called to testify at the double murder trial of former player Aaron Hernandez.
Belichick’s name appeared on a list of possible witnesses filed Tuesday by Hernandez’s defense.
Patriots offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels had previously been named as a possible witness.
Hernandez is charged with the drive-by slayings of Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado in Boston in 2012. Prosecutors say Hernandez shot them after one spilled a drink on him at a club.
Hernandez has pleaded not guilty.
Jury selection is underway. Opening statements are scheduled March 1.
Hernandez grew up in Connecticut. He’s serving a life sentence in the 2013 killing of a man who was dating the sister of Hernandez’s fiancee.
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