Chronic wasting disease in five deer now near Preston, Minn.
Hadn’t been a case of CWD in state since 2010.
More deer found with chronic wasting disease in southeastern Minnesota.
Not far from where Greg Davids lives and Preston, Minn., state rep. is frustrated.
“It’s a very very tough situation,” he said. “It’s very disturbing and we need to continue to work on this.”
The number of CWD deer found near Preston is now at five. The Minnesota DNR will now consider having hunters kill even more deer than planned in the area after a current special hunt through Sunday to prevent the spread of the disease.
CWD first appeared in deer around Preston in November. Those were the first cases of the disease in the state’s deer herd since 2010.
Davids is open to all suggestions about how to handle the vexing disease that continues to spread nearly unchecked in southern Wisconsin.
“In southern Wisconsin, it’s really been a problem, and I hope we don’t go that direction here in Minnesota,” Davids said, adding he gets calls saying they should let nature take its course. “A lot of different opinions. Any time you talk hunting or fishing you get a lot of different opinions and I am listening to all of them.”
After the special hunt, steps to deal with the disease will be determined.
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