WKTY POLL: What NFL team not in playoffs will be there next season?
Last year’s Super Bowl teams are already eliminated from playoffs.
Twelve teams make the playoffs in the NFL.
The other 20 are left out in the cold – or perhaps the players are sitting home on their couches.
Come the next season, there’s always this phenomenon in the NFL that quite a few of those 20 teams from before, end up in the postseason – and vice versa.
Considering the two Super Bowl contestants from last year – Denver and Carolina – aren’t in the playoffs, which of these four nonplayoff teams are best suited to get into the postseason in 2017-18?
What #NFL team not in the #playoffs will be there next season? @SkradieWKTY most def. has Vikings. @dapperdavec made me put Arizona on list.
— 580 WKTY (@wkty) December 29, 2016
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