Mornings with Dave and Skradie begin Monday
As the days get closer to Mike Kearns’ retirement, I learn more and more the meaning of the word “bittersweet.”
I have worked with (not for, because Kearns doesn’t make anyone feel like they work FOR him) Kearns since I was a teenager.
I can’t even begin to explain the amount of local sports history I have learned from him.
I think it is safe to say that nobody has seen as much local high school sports as Kearn.
Sadly, I never was able to meet his dad, Charlie Kearns, Mike’s father, who began the Lead Balloon Show when WKTY first went to air back in 1948.
After being around Mike for as long as I have – which isn’t nearly as long as most of his friends have – I feel like I know his dad, too.
I don’t truly know the emotions Mike is feeling coming up on his last days doing the Lead Balloon Show, but, following him around for his final broadcasts, I know for sure that everyone is sad.
I don’t think I have ever met a person that is loved like Mike.
Listening to the audio from years ago with Charlie Hefti, whom I never met, or our old buddy Roscoe Short, it’s sad that those times are gone and can’t ever be recreated.
I have had a closer bond to Mike through the years than I have had with my own parents. I can’t imagine working without him.
I can’t believe the Lead Balloon Show end of an era is only hours away.
On the other hand, I couldn’t be more honored or happy to be part of the team starting Monday morning – because it takes a team to take over for Mike.
Dave Carney is a very talented dude and with the Lead Balloon show ending Friday, it’s a mixture of feelings as we start anew on Mornings with Dave and Skradie from 6-9 a.m.
To say that I am on an emotional rollercoaster right now would be an understatement.
Thanks Mike for all that you do, and I will look forward to seeing you at local events until you do decide to retire the headset.
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