Sherman tells it how it is … or how he thinks it is
Erin Andrews stood her ground.
She asked about the final defensive play for the Seattle Seahawks and the outspoken cornerback gave her the postgame interview of interviews.
Andrews kept composure – with a funny look on her face – as Sherman screamed how good he is, but then she asked the simple question, ‘Who was talking about you?”
I had no problems with what Sherman said. He made the play that won the game for Seattle 23-17 over San Francisco on Sunday.
And his comment came minutes later. Who wouldn’t be fired up about being responsible for going to the Super Bowl?
A friend of mine said following the comments, “Sherman has really made a name for himself in the last 10 minutes. Any bets on how little he’s liked by older people and how much younger people don’t care either way?”
Sherman’s is a refreshing comment in a world of professional sports where the answer is usually, “We played hard. Gave it 110 percent. There’s no ‘I’ in team.”
Not a comment you want your kids making, but at least he had some kind of excuse – San Francisco 49ers WR Michael Crabtree was, apparently, talking trash before the game to him.
But, before that happens, we have to wait two weeks.
And it’s going to be a long two weeks.
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