Couch potatoes rejoice: Packers sell out

Green Bay needed to sell 3,000 tickets after the deadline was extended to sell out the near 81,000-seat Lambeau Field.
Area businesses and sponsors contributed in buying the final tickets.
It’s a shame the millionaire players couldn’t buy up the final tickets and hand them out to students at area high schools.
Then again, they probably don’t want to go to the game, anyway. And maybe there is a rule against players buying up tickets. Doubtful, but maybe.
The team did give away about 200 tickets to the USO of Wisconsin – a group that supports troops and their families – according to the JSonline.com. Those were gone in 46 minutes. They were free to area high school students.
The Packers will now continue their streak of now 320 consecutive sellouts (301 regular-season games and 19 in the playoffs).
The last time they didn’t sell out was January 1983, in the first round playoff of the playoffs during the strike-shortened season.
Now, people can begin talking about the game, perhaps. They play the San Francisco 49ers at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday if you haven’t heard.
Or, maybe everyone will just talk about how cold and miserable it’s going to be.
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